Your website is the most important marketing tool for your business and it is equally important that you get a professional designer to develop and manage it for you so as to achieve the desired results. For instance, when you hear about a certain company or you want to learn about and organization, you first google their name and you eventually end up on their website. The impression that the website will have on the people who want to learn about your company will be very critical for the future of your business; it may simply make them very interested in your company or it may as well repel them away from you.
Your website will therefore act as your ambassador, your universal virtual office, where the visitors, be they customers, suppliers, distributors, regulators or even competitors will get to understand about your company, your vision, mission, values, cultures, business model and all about the organization. It is therefore very important that the website platform is given the importance it deserves as this will have direct impact on the success of the organization. Any organization without a properly designed website will be simply considered to unmatured, unprofessional and unreliable.
Website design and development
Website registration and hosting
E-commerce and online stores
Digital infrastructure managment
Website management
Enterprise Resource Planning Development
Allifmaal Engineering is in the forefront of Business Management Systems (BMS) and popularly known as ERP. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is defined as “an information system that integrates business processes with the aim of creating value and reducing costs by making the right information available to the right people at the right time so as to make good decisions in managing resources productively and proactively”.
Allifmaal will walk with you throughout your ERP process from your business Demands, Details, Designs, Developments, Deployment and Documentations.